Friday, November 7, 2008

Couple more days.

Im proud to say that this is how my refrigerator has looked for the past month. Filled with lots of fruits and vegetables. I have eaten soo many different varieties of fruits and vegetables that I'm not too sure which are left to eat. I still have a couple days left so on my last day I will sum up my opinions. 

I went grocery shopping and spent around $150 so I defi
nitely feel some damage in my bank account this month, but its not half bad. I only spend about five to ten dollars more than I would be spending everyday.

I went on a trip to Frisco and it was pretty mellow. Got there at night so I had only 1 full day to see everything then left back for Los Angeles at night. I got to see everything that needed to be seen, but didn't have time to absorb much. 

Went to the landmarks such as alcatraz, china town, the gate bridge, china town, all the different towns, sausalito, the tea garden, and a bunch of other places. I like the town and the atmosphere, but I don't see myself living there. I brought tons of fruits and vegetables on the trip so I didn't need to buy any food besides water. 


Breakfast: 4 bananas + 100 g spinach + 15 carrots + 1 cup water +1 tsp organic flax seed = all blended.

Pre- lunch- large salad with tomatoes and bananas + 1 fuji apple 

Lunch: 1 large bowl rice with mixed assorted vegetables.

Pre dinner: 2 bananas + 2 kiwis + 1 pear 
large salad with cacao + 1/2 bell pepper + 1 banana + grape tomatoes.

Dinner: Large bowl of rice with assorted vegetables.

I have been maintaining my weight and is now exactly the weight I was on day 1. 
Its not easy eating all day trying to fill the daily requirements, but the benefits far outweigh the work. In all honesty, I have to desire to eat meat or fish of any sort. Im happy and my taste buds are fully satisfied eating 100% raw. After the 2 week point it has more or less been smoothe cruising.

I have a new project aligned for me after this raw diet challenge so be tuned. This next one will be a real challenge.

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