Saturday, November 1, 2008

Day 23 halloween

So I have not written this for a week.
Found it to be too repetitive and I got busy to make time to write.
I'm still doing good. This is not as hard of a task or a goal than I thought. After finding it to be easier and easier to eat raw as the days go by, I see myself being a lifelong raw foodist.

My usual daily meals are as follows.

Breakfast: 4 banana+ carrots+ spinach  +1 cup water shake. This seems to be the perfect shake to start the day. 

Snacks: I munch on various fruits such as Fuji apples, oranges, clementines, berries, blueberries, raspberries, pears, bananas throughout the day or I make myself a shake here and there.

large bowl of salad with 1/2 bell pepper, cacao nibs
, goji berries, 1 sliced banana + dressing
Then I eat a bowl of rice with various vegetables. Basically a vegetable rice bowl.

I would usually eat another bowl of rice with vegetables and then eat another large salad right after.

I end up eating enough to keep my weight as stable as possible but It does fluctuate a little. Without the amount of rice I am eating I would no
t be able to keep my weight stable.

I am drinking tons of water throughout the day too.

Still no alchol, sugars, junk food, meat, caffeine, or sodas. Although I am getting cravings for junk food from time to time because I feel the food I am eating to be very repetitive and desire some change. I feel as if I can do this forever as long as I switch up and change the types of fruits and vegetables I eat.
old pictures. fun shit.

My mind is definitely feeling clearer than when I was eating meat. I feel lighter in every way. 
I have one week to go.

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