Wednesday, October 22, 2008

DAY 12

Woke up bright and early.
Had my usual breakfast.
My usual Lunch.
But a different dinner. I did not take a picture, but I will describe it. 

Dinner: Large bowl of brown rice with tons of fresh bean sprouts, cucumbers, cabbage, Broccoli. 
I can't describe how full I felt after eating this. It's probably the rice. 

I bought a lot of rice today, along with a variety of vegetables. I plan on having 1 meal a day consisting of brown rice and assorted vegetables. 

Im starting to spend even more money lately on food and it is getting a little bit tough. Especially that Im jobless for the next week I hate seeing my bank statement decreasing instead of increasing. 

I went for a drive to tujunga in the evening and walked around the strip where the new town center is coming in. I ended up walking into what looked like an art gallery, but found out that it was a dental art office. I ended up meeting the owner of the store who happened to be part korean so we had a chat. She told me about how she is a sculptor, but jumped into creating prosthetic teeth for dental offices in order to pay for rent in order to enjoy her main passion of sculpting. I find it interesting that many artists cannot enjoy their profession to the fullest due to financial problems. Many artist seem to jump into making money and usually end up forgetting about art. Kelly seemed determined to do both, and I saw her as an ambitious person who will do so. I got a tour of the store and I really enjoyed the new things I was learning. She told me if I needed any dental work she can recommend me one of her many dentist friends. I told her thanks and told her I would come visit her again sometime. She was the coolest business owner I have ever met.

18 days left.

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