Sunday, November 23, 2008

30 Days and still Goin

Ive eaten 100% raw for more than a month now. It was hard the first 2 weeks but after that everything went well. Heres the summary.

First couple days, I had a mild headaches. Probably the body reaction to the massive amounts of vitamins. Detox symptoms basically. 

Pissing a lot. Shitting a lot. No odor. 

Mental clarity.

Rise in awareness and confidence.

Happier and lighter feeling. 

Lost 4 pounds. Working on gaining it back though.

Require less sleep.

Wild, Vivid dreams.

More relaxed. 

Higher level of energy.

basically eating raw is the shit.

I ate some cooked vegetables after the initial 30 days. It didnt feel too good. 

I have had No caffeine or alcohol. Plan on keeping it that way until my 21st in march. When I do plan on getting hammered.

In conclusion, eating raw for 30 days was a blast. I am healthier now both physically and mentally. 

I am now a vegetarian and will eat some cooked vegetables. 

I plan on going back to 100% raw in about a month. ( i need to save some money )

This was a fun challenge.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Couple more days.

Im proud to say that this is how my refrigerator has looked for the past month. Filled with lots of fruits and vegetables. I have eaten soo many different varieties of fruits and vegetables that I'm not too sure which are left to eat. I still have a couple days left so on my last day I will sum up my opinions. 

I went grocery shopping and spent around $150 so I defi
nitely feel some damage in my bank account this month, but its not half bad. I only spend about five to ten dollars more than I would be spending everyday.

I went on a trip to Frisco and it was pretty mellow. Got there at night so I had only 1 full day to see everything then left back for Los Angeles at night. I got to see everything that needed to be seen, but didn't have time to absorb much. 

Went to the landmarks such as alcatraz, china town, the gate bridge, china town, all the different towns, sausalito, the tea garden, and a bunch of other places. I like the town and the atmosphere, but I don't see myself living there. I brought tons of fruits and vegetables on the trip so I didn't need to buy any food besides water. 


Breakfast: 4 bananas + 100 g spinach + 15 carrots + 1 cup water +1 tsp organic flax seed = all blended.

Pre- lunch- large salad with tomatoes and bananas + 1 fuji apple 

Lunch: 1 large bowl rice with mixed assorted vegetables.

Pre dinner: 2 bananas + 2 kiwis + 1 pear 
large salad with cacao + 1/2 bell pepper + 1 banana + grape tomatoes.

Dinner: Large bowl of rice with assorted vegetables.

I have been maintaining my weight and is now exactly the weight I was on day 1. 
Its not easy eating all day trying to fill the daily requirements, but the benefits far outweigh the work. In all honesty, I have to desire to eat meat or fish of any sort. Im happy and my taste buds are fully satisfied eating 100% raw. After the 2 week point it has more or less been smoothe cruising.

I have a new project aligned for me after this raw diet challenge so be tuned. This next one will be a real challenge.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Day 23 halloween

So I have not written this for a week.
Found it to be too repetitive and I got busy to make time to write.
I'm still doing good. This is not as hard of a task or a goal than I thought. After finding it to be easier and easier to eat raw as the days go by, I see myself being a lifelong raw foodist.

My usual daily meals are as follows.

Breakfast: 4 banana+ carrots+ spinach  +1 cup water shake. This seems to be the perfect shake to start the day. 

Snacks: I munch on various fruits such as Fuji apples, oranges, clementines, berries, blueberries, raspberries, pears, bananas throughout the day or I make myself a shake here and there.

large bowl of salad with 1/2 bell pepper, cacao nibs
, goji berries, 1 sliced banana + dressing
Then I eat a bowl of rice with various vegetables. Basically a vegetable rice bowl.

I would usually eat another bowl of rice with vegetables and then eat another large salad right after.

I end up eating enough to keep my weight as stable as possible but It does fluctuate a little. Without the amount of rice I am eating I would no
t be able to keep my weight stable.

I am drinking tons of water throughout the day too.

Still no alchol, sugars, junk food, meat, caffeine, or sodas. Although I am getting cravings for junk food from time to time because I feel the food I am eating to be very repetitive and desire some change. I feel as if I can do this forever as long as I switch up and change the types of fruits and vegetables I eat.
old pictures. fun shit.

My mind is definitely feeling clearer than when I was eating meat. I feel lighter in every way. 
I have one week to go.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

DAY 12

Woke up bright and early.
Had my usual breakfast.
My usual Lunch.
But a different dinner. I did not take a picture, but I will describe it. 

Dinner: Large bowl of brown rice with tons of fresh bean sprouts, cucumbers, cabbage, Broccoli. 
I can't describe how full I felt after eating this. It's probably the rice. 

I bought a lot of rice today, along with a variety of vegetables. I plan on having 1 meal a day consisting of brown rice and assorted vegetables. 

Im starting to spend even more money lately on food and it is getting a little bit tough. Especially that Im jobless for the next week I hate seeing my bank statement decreasing instead of increasing. 

I went for a drive to tujunga in the evening and walked around the strip where the new town center is coming in. I ended up walking into what looked like an art gallery, but found out that it was a dental art office. I ended up meeting the owner of the store who happened to be part korean so we had a chat. She told me about how she is a sculptor, but jumped into creating prosthetic teeth for dental offices in order to pay for rent in order to enjoy her main passion of sculpting. I find it interesting that many artists cannot enjoy their profession to the fullest due to financial problems. Many artist seem to jump into making money and usually end up forgetting about art. Kelly seemed determined to do both, and I saw her as an ambitious person who will do so. I got a tour of the store and I really enjoyed the new things I was learning. She told me if I needed any dental work she can recommend me one of her many dentist friends. I told her thanks and told her I would come visit her again sometime. She was the coolest business owner I have ever met.

18 days left.

Day 11

This is my dog Kobe. Sometime last year Kobe said to me "Hey Dsong. I wish you didn't smoke weed. Your not the same when you smoke. And I miss my friend. I'll be outside." So I decided to live above the influence. 

Woke up with a headache. 
For breakfast I ate 4 bananas and 2 fuji apples in one sitting. My headache went away a little after the meal. I think it was because I did not eat enough the day before. 
I went to school, but came home because my class w
as canceled. Drove back home and it was still early maybe around 9 so I sat around and ended up banging my piano for some time. Something miraculous happened as I was playing. The key that was stuck and not working the past couple days healed itself and is working fine. What a joke. I find myself being bored the past couple days because I quit my job. Im planning on finding a new job by the end of the week, but until then I have some free time. With that free time I find searching for ways to enjoy myself to the fullest.

LUNCH: Big mixed salad with bellpeppers, tomatoes, cacao, goji, bananas, strawberries. 
Big shake with 4 bananas and baby spinach.

I was really energized and felt stuck inside my home so I packed a book, some fruits, water and just started skating downhill. Bombing hills used to be soo fun when I was younger and I just never do it anymore. Nowadays its a call "hey lets go skate ______." And get in a car, drive to ____ spot wherever it is, and just get back in the car and drive home. What happened to the days we used to skate around the city where the real streets and alleys are? I ended up bombing hills all the way down to glendale and skated around looking at things and took the b- line home. I can't even remember the last time I took the bus. Funny, but I had a blast. Driving my car is getting annoying. Maybe I should get a motorcycle.

I ate my dinner:
Kiwis, smoothie, salad, avocados.

 Im basically eating the same shit everyday. 
I plan on changing it up. 

Im getting lazy on the pictures, but yeah Its still going. I am still 100% raw.
Feeling Healthy. Mentally and physically.
I am not tired throughout the day.
I am eating tons of bananas, apples, strawberries, nuts and seeds in between my meals so I am able to maintain a steady weight. 
19 days left.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 10

Sundays are fun.

I had my usual breakfast consisting of vegetables and fruits.

My family went to church, but I stayed home.
I used to go to church, like most people. 
I was not raised religious.
I looked for god to help me get out of times when things were really bad. Which I believe he did.
But, I don't believe in Jesus Christ, The koran, The jews, or any defined religion.
I know there is a higher being, God, in the sense that its a part of me and everything and everyone that connects us together in order to help us and guide us to help our own selves and each other fix and obtain our desires.

I believe christianity has suckered the world in
o becoming passive believers. Spreading westernization through missionaries, and infecting the world using a christian mask with a deadly american plot for power and greed behind it. I sound radical. But if you look around, tell me its not true. Unless you have no ability to see things yet.

Lunch was good, I took some time to prepa
re my meal.

LUNCH: Mixed salad
Organic apple
Carrots + banana = orange shake

I didn't do shit today

I didn't eat enough today.
I have got 20 days.
Not a problem

Day 9

Friday Already.
I realize the days go buy faster and faster as I get older and older.

BREAKFAST: Bananas + Spinach + blueberries = dank blended shake
2 cut kiwis

I went to buy a big box of organic mixed green salad.
Lately, eating a large scale bowl of salad with cacao nibs and some fruits mixed in is the best.

I watched a movie today which I told myself I wont be doing. I need a break from time to time I suppose. I made a decision quite a while back maybe a couple months ago to not watch movies that are not educational or documentaries and no rid myself of any television watching.

The television watching has been completely eliminated for a while now and Im more than happy its out of my life.

I have been decreasing my banana intake and that might be my reason why I am loosing weight.
The bananas are just getting way too sweet in a shake.

My cell Phone broke today which sucks so I don't have a phone, but its alright I don't have many friends anyways. And that the way I like it for now.

I found this web site called crazy 
chinese gadgets.

celery 3 stalk/ grapes/ kiwi/ bananas/ bell pepper/ tomatoes/ goji berries

I went grocery shopping today and I spent money on food.
As for you guys thinking about doing this the cost is questionable.

Going to costco will save you money.
Buying all organic wont save you money.

Eating more and more bananas will save you money.
Eating blueberries, raspberries, grapes and other superfoods wont save you money.

My estimates so far has been about 20 dollars a day.
Thats around 150$ per week, 600$ per month.

For me its worth spending my money into something that keeps me healthy.

I left my camera in a friends car so no picture for dinner.
21 days to go.