Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Day 11

This is my dog Kobe. Sometime last year Kobe said to me "Hey Dsong. I wish you didn't smoke weed. Your not the same when you smoke. And I miss my friend. I'll be outside." So I decided to live above the influence. 

Woke up with a headache. 
For breakfast I ate 4 bananas and 2 fuji apples in one sitting. My headache went away a little after the meal. I think it was because I did not eat enough the day before. 
I went to school, but came home because my class w
as canceled. Drove back home and it was still early maybe around 9 so I sat around and ended up banging my piano for some time. Something miraculous happened as I was playing. The key that was stuck and not working the past couple days healed itself and is working fine. What a joke. I find myself being bored the past couple days because I quit my job. Im planning on finding a new job by the end of the week, but until then I have some free time. With that free time I find searching for ways to enjoy myself to the fullest.

LUNCH: Big mixed salad with bellpeppers, tomatoes, cacao, goji, bananas, strawberries. 
Big shake with 4 bananas and baby spinach.

I was really energized and felt stuck inside my home so I packed a book, some fruits, water and just started skating downhill. Bombing hills used to be soo fun when I was younger and I just never do it anymore. Nowadays its a call "hey lets go skate ______." And get in a car, drive to ____ spot wherever it is, and just get back in the car and drive home. What happened to the days we used to skate around the city where the real streets and alleys are? I ended up bombing hills all the way down to glendale and skated around looking at things and took the b- line home. I can't even remember the last time I took the bus. Funny, but I had a blast. Driving my car is getting annoying. Maybe I should get a motorcycle.

I ate my dinner:
Kiwis, smoothie, salad, avocados.

 Im basically eating the same shit everyday. 
I plan on changing it up. 

Im getting lazy on the pictures, but yeah Its still going. I am still 100% raw.
Feeling Healthy. Mentally and physically.
I am not tired throughout the day.
I am eating tons of bananas, apples, strawberries, nuts and seeds in between my meals so I am able to maintain a steady weight. 
19 days left.

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