Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 9

Friday Already.
I realize the days go buy faster and faster as I get older and older.

BREAKFAST: Bananas + Spinach + blueberries = dank blended shake
2 cut kiwis

I went to buy a big box of organic mixed green salad.
Lately, eating a large scale bowl of salad with cacao nibs and some fruits mixed in is the best.

I watched a movie today which I told myself I wont be doing. I need a break from time to time I suppose. I made a decision quite a while back maybe a couple months ago to not watch movies that are not educational or documentaries and no rid myself of any television watching.

The television watching has been completely eliminated for a while now and Im more than happy its out of my life.

I have been decreasing my banana intake and that might be my reason why I am loosing weight.
The bananas are just getting way too sweet in a shake.

My cell Phone broke today which sucks so I don't have a phone, but its alright I don't have many friends anyways. And that the way I like it for now.

I found this web site called crazy 
chinese gadgets.

celery 3 stalk/ grapes/ kiwi/ bananas/ bell pepper/ tomatoes/ goji berries

I went grocery shopping today and I spent money on food.
As for you guys thinking about doing this the cost is questionable.

Going to costco will save you money.
Buying all organic wont save you money.

Eating more and more bananas will save you money.
Eating blueberries, raspberries, grapes and other superfoods wont save you money.

My estimates so far has been about 20 dollars a day.
Thats around 150$ per week, 600$ per month.

For me its worth spending my money into something that keeps me healthy.

I left my camera in a friends car so no picture for dinner.
21 days to go.

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