Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 10

Sundays are fun.

I had my usual breakfast consisting of vegetables and fruits.

My family went to church, but I stayed home.
I used to go to church, like most people. 
I was not raised religious.
I looked for god to help me get out of times when things were really bad. Which I believe he did.
But, I don't believe in Jesus Christ, The koran, The jews, or any defined religion.
I know there is a higher being, God, in the sense that its a part of me and everything and everyone that connects us together in order to help us and guide us to help our own selves and each other fix and obtain our desires.

I believe christianity has suckered the world in
o becoming passive believers. Spreading westernization through missionaries, and infecting the world using a christian mask with a deadly american plot for power and greed behind it. I sound radical. But if you look around, tell me its not true. Unless you have no ability to see things yet.

Lunch was good, I took some time to prepa
re my meal.

LUNCH: Mixed salad
Organic apple
Carrots + banana = orange shake

I didn't do shit today

I didn't eat enough today.
I have got 20 days.
Not a problem

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