Friday, October 10, 2008

Day 2 Raw Raw Raw!

I slept like a baby last night. One thing I noticed during a couple hours before I went to sleep is that I felt a mildly uncomfortable headache. Not the full blast head aches but a slight distracting kind. Well I ended up sleeping like a baby and woke up with the mind fully clear and not tired at all. 
Breakfast was a simple 4 banana+ 100g spinach + water shak
I wasn't hungry until about 1 after I was done skatin
g outside with the best weather ever. 

And it was time for lunch.
Im not really digging the taste of the celery because of its bitter aftertaste. Im thinking I could switch to a more fresh plain tasting replacement. 

I am not posting everything I eat everyday because of my busy schedule, but I am eating 100% raw. I post my daily blog either after lunch or after dinner depending on the day. I will make sure to include a diverse variety of meals into the photos. 

Im thinking of a eating a huge bowl of mixed greens for dinner, some bananas in between and some nuts and shakes. 

So far no cravings of cooked food, but that can always change. 
Feeling good.
28 days to go.

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