Sunday, October 12, 2008

Day 4, lazy.

I really could not wake up today. 10! I hate waking up late and 10 is ridiculous. It felt as if my day has been wasted. I think the cold weather is the reason why I am waking up so late, but maybe its the food. 

Breakfast: 4 banana+spinach+blueberries= blended shake
a bowl of fresh salad
1 fuji apple

Sundays are usually easy going. I do most of my cleaning, laundry, homework, groceries.
And today, is a sunday.

One thing I am noticing is that my hands and feet are cold. This is very unusual because I am always hot. I noticed it especially when I was playing my piano and felt like my fingers were going to break off because they were so cold. My fingers felt stiff and slow. The weather is definitely in no doubt getting colder as we head into october, but its not yet cold enough for my hands and feet to stay this cold all the time. 
After playing my piano for most of the day I prepared my lunch.
Lunch: 1 orange bellpepper, 2 bananas, 12 grape tomatoes, 1 kiwi, some fresh romaine lettuce.
small bowl of assorted nuts and seeds.

I went to trader joes after my lunch to restock on my already empty refrigerator.
I've never shopped at trader joes and found myself liking the place alot. They have tons of amazing organics and delicious healthy food. Its really close to my house so I can skate there for exercise if I wanted to. I ended up buying some organic bananas, organic apples, some strawberries, mixed salads, cashew nuts, green tea, asian pears, and flax crackers. Shopping at trader joes made me realize the fact that not a lot of people eat 100% raw. Although many bananas and apples or oranges can fit into the bags that are provided on a stand, they are way too small for me to fit anything more than 10 bananas. I didn't want to bag them separately so I asked the adorable worker that happened to be walking next to me to go get me a bigger bag. She had a puzzled look as to why I was attempting to buy all the bananas in the store, but I didn't bother telling her. I think from now trader joes will be my primary source of food. 

As I was loading up my groceries, my buddy called me to go skate a flat bar, I went straight there because I always have my set-up and skateshoes ready to go in my car. 
Got my exercise for the day.

I am eating so much food. I'm not craving any cooked food yet. I think some people who start off on this diet cannot handle the temptation of meat and such, but I find it fairly easy because of my family. No body in this house knows how to cook. My mom has probably never cooked a decent meal in years. The reason is that she does not know how to cook. Spaghetti or pasta is about the extent of her abilities. Also considering the fact that we basically don't have any cooking utensils, measuring cups, measuring spoons, and such Im glad that all I need to be 100%raw is a juicer a mixer a knife a fork and water and a refrigerator. And those thing we manage to have. I actually even have my own refrigerator. So I dont see cooked food unless I'm working so I dont want cooked food. Out of sight, out of mind. 

Dinner: 4 banana shake
bowl of strawberries, tomatoes, cucumber, kiwi, 2 celery, 1 asian pear, flax crackers, cashews.

As I said before I'm not listing Every single thing I eat. 
I might make a shake or two for snacks, some bananas to munch on or apples.

Things are going really good at this point. I didnt loose any weight today because I made sure I didnt. I ate more than enough to keep my current weight, but I wont be over grubbing for long. As soon as my hemp protein powder gets here I should be able to cut down on the munching a little.

No headaches today. I believe my body is slowly starting to get used to the diet. My mind is clearer and I dont seem to be overly stuck in my mind or worrying. Not that I tend to think or worry lot just the fact that the things I was thinking about or worrying about did not get to me or irritate me today. Just to let you know I try to think as least as I can. 90% of all thinking seems to me useless anyways. Most of the time people think about their past mistakes or events that stop you from change and inflicting pain to self by replaying worthless past scenarios. I want to live in the present and in order to do so thinking needs not be present. The future gives people anxiety due to the desire for the future to be now, but the inability to have what is to come tomorrow, today, only builds anxiety. So I know Im going out of the raw line here, but I think the raw food has allowed me to be a little more present and in the now. 

26 days to go. Its nothing.

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