Thursday, October 9, 2008

Eating 100% Raw

Eating 100% raw seems to be the new trend in nutrition emerging nowadays. I see why now more than ever it is important for a huma
n being to take care of their own body and its health. Due to the massive amounts of fast food, processed food, and genetically altered foods eating 100% raw almost seems like common sense. Although sometimes people criticize the diet and are skeptical of its benefits due to a lack of education and knowledge in this field. I wont tell you why you should or shouldn't eat 100% raw. I know it will benefit my health and if you want to believe in it too then do some research. Its not that hard. Type in eating raw into google and it will spit you out some dank information. As for me, today is the first day of my 30 day challenge to eating 100% raw. This means eating only living vegetables and fruits. I will be eating mostly bananas because they are cheap and include lots of everything. 
I will not be eating the following:
no cooked or dead foods
no meat
no snacks
no milk
no caffeine
no grains ( rice, wheat, corn)
no beans
no alcohol
no junk food
no bread
no sodas

I will keep track of my progress, weight, energy level, health, and anything that changes or happens throughout this 30 day challenge.

And here is my first batch of groceries!

That should last me for a little while...

And without further delay I made my first 100% raw lunch.

-bell pepper
-grape tomatoes

I'm feeling good already. Can't wait for dinner.

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