Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day 3 no big deal

I didnt want to wake up today. Maybe its the new cold weather, maybe the diet. Today, I woke up in an ok mood and the day went along just like that. I am not noticing anything significant besides the fact that I felt a lot cooler today. My hands and feet are especially cold. 

blended shake: 4bananas, 100 g spinach, 100 g blueberries, 80 g carrots
On plate: 1 kiwi, 20 grape tomatoes, some blueberries.
2 celery 

I was especially hungry after going to the park and skating around I was back for lunch only hours after my breakfast.
Lunch: 1 Red bellpepper, 15 grape tomatoes, 1 fuji apple, 2 bananas, and some organic assorted nuts and seeds

Im really getting used to the bellpeppers. I actually like the freshness and its sweet yet slightly bitter taste. I shall buy more for my next grocery. 
I had to go to work today for a night shift so I decided to eat my dinner early at 4. 
I made myself a avocado+tomato+celery salad, another banana/spinach shake, an
d a small bowl of brocolli/carrots. 

Its amazing how much food I am eating everyday. Eating something e
very 2 hours is something I am definitely not used to. In the past I would eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast, chicken teriyaki lunch/ beef bowl for lunch, and rice/ pasta/ subway/in'n'out for dinner. Today I felt as if I was shoving food down my throat every minute of the day. 
One thing I am starting to notice about eating 100% raw is that the Ups and Downs of energy don't exist. I feel a constant stream of equal energy levels all throughout the day. No drowsiness after a heavy lunch and no need for a nap. I also felt my skin drying up more than usual. Hmm. I think this means I should go get some decent moisturizer and some chapstick.I want to prepare myself as much as possible. The afternoon headache is still here. Its a very weird and subtle type of headache like I said before. Maybe its due to the reduction in calory intake/sugar/ junk I am consuming. Oh, and i almost forgot. I have lost a total of 4 lbs in the past 3 days. that is NOT good. Tommorow I have plans to buy some organic hemp protein powder tomorrow to make sure I can at least maintain my weight.
I am reading and learning more about the raw diet from respectable sources everyday.
Today I read a lot about Superfoods and placed an order of organic cacao beans and some organic goji berries from

 It seems to me that this is only the beginning of the benefits I will be experiencing on this diet. 

As for my job, I work at an amazing asian restaurant where I smell cooked food all day. If I can go one month 100% raw while working at this current job, I know that nothing can break my resistance level! 
27 more days.

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