Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day 7. set it up. knock em down.

"The biggest barrier to becoming rich is living like you're rich before you are."
I gave up what I want today for what I want 10 years from now.

Woke up early. I want to wake up earlier.

Today was great. Good thoughts. 
Had my breakfast bright and early.
Breakfast: 1 apple, 1 mixed herb salad, 1 kiwi
4 banana + 20 organic mini carrots+ 1 tsp flax seed 
+ a portion of cacao nibs= dank blended shake
Energized and ready to start the day I headed for the worst place to spend my high energy.

Actually met with a counselor to get some things straight. She was helpful, and knew how to do her job very well. I mainly talked to her about my decision
 on not transferring to a 4 year university. She questioned my decision as if I was making a mistake. She started to ask me why and I told her a reason she would more likely under
stand which was that I didn't want to spend the mon
ey. Honestly I wonder how many parents would spend 50 thousand dollars a year for their child if they really knew what they were doing in college. Smoking, drinking, partying 80 percent and cramming, procrastinating, barely passing the other 20% of their time. Really? Is that what happens in college? ha. 

I think either people are dumb or they decide to always ignore the problem. Denial. Always looking the other way. 

Well I came home for lunch

LUNCH: Carrot + banana = dank blended shake.
mixed salad + ranch + orange bell pepper.
1 asian pear, 1 kiwi, small bowl of assorted nuts & seeds

I actually still felt hungry after this so I ate another plate of 
salad and an apple.

Dinner: Salad + ranch + grape tomatoes + avocado
2 bananas, 1 cucumber, 1/2 orange bell pepper, 2 celery stalks, 2 flax cracker

Actually ate a second serving of salad. 

Still loosing a tad bit of weight.

Clearer thinking, thinking better, ideas, health, energy, weight loss= raw food benefits.
Weight loss is a negative for me, but it is what most people want so I'm listing it as a benefit.

Felt my first craving of junk food today. I wanted sweet stuff. I managed to get my head out the gutter so to speak. 

I had a little chat with my brothers friend today. He is only 13 years of age and always talks to me and asks me questions and advice. He asked me, "hey david, what would you do if you had all the money in the world for one day but you know you are going to die tomorrow." It surprised me that a 13 year old would think of such ideas. People rarely have to courage to talk about such things. I thought and tried to give him the best answer I could on top of my head. He replied with an answer of his own, talking about video games and what not, but added at the end, "I don't know when I'm going to die. Its a mystery. Nobody knows" As if it was the one answer that no one could give him.

 There's this saying that if your doing exactly the same thing you did at 20 at age 30, you've wasted 10 years of your life. So I know I need to be learning and educating myself, not necessarily through school and textbooks, but through real people, real problems, real experiences, and real books
I heard a man cannot run away from two things. Taxes and death.
I say, don't fuck with the man cutting your checks, or the man with a gun. You know what I mean.

I have reached a 1 week mark. Cheers. 
 23 days to go. 

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