Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 5. Oh shit.

 I could not post my blog yesterday so I am writing this blog as if it was day 5. 


I woke up late again. I think the weather getting colder is not helping my get my ass out of bed either. I hate feeling cold getting out of bed. Its l
ike relaxing in a hot jacuzzi but with a snap of a second being surprised to find out the hot water turned into pool water. you know how that feels. 
I had a good breakfast knowing that I had a lot of thing
s to do today.

Breakfast: 4 banana +100 g spinach + 15 mini organic carrots +80 g blueberries = Dank shake.
1 organic apple

After breakfast I got busy playing my piano, but was cut short by a dead key. It got me very upset and disappointed. I tried to open the melody machine up to
 see what kind of brain it had and was surprised to s
ee an amazing work of art. 
 After not knowing how to fix the thing it was time for lunch already. 

Lunch: 2 bananas, 1 kiwi, 1 red bell pepper, cashews, bowl of grape tomatoes, bowl of salad.
 I handled the salad well. I bought some organic ranch dressing, but I read the label and found out the thing had a lot of fat. My original plan was to keep my fa
t intake under 15%, but eating  a lot of cashews and dressing 
might have put me a little over the limit today.

I found out I needed to learn a bunch of nothing from bunch of idiot teachers so I went and handled school.
I hate the fact that I will read the
same books, same material, same method, thought process, education at school. It is taught to tons of kids throughout the country yet, the term "you will be wealthy when you graduate with a degree"  does not prove itself. How many kids have read the econ book? english? physics? business? How will there be any unique thinking. They all have the same useless universal book knowledge in their head. I want to learn something in class today, that I can apply tomorrow and make money. Simple. 

Well, I found out I needed money to live so I went to work.

One thing I noticed about eating raw is that I shit a lot. My shit is soo smoothe I swear it comes out like butter. Doesn't smell either. It does not smell like ANYTHING. Sick right? so sick. I know. sick shit.
I also fart a lot and it doesnt smell. I could release a silent one sitting at dinner with a date and she would not even know it.

Dinner: 7 romaine heart with grape tomatoes.
1 yellow bell pepper, 2 kiwis, 3 stalk celery, 1 flax cracker
3 banana+100 g spinach = blended shake.

I have not lost any weight because I am making sure I dont. I have been eating a lot of bananas on the side and feel like I can be devolve back to a monkey anytime. 
I don't have any more headaches and my mind feels more clear than ever. I had some things I was writing about and it was flowing out without much cuts. 
My skin is getting a little bit drier than usual, but it can somewhat be contributed to the cold weather. Not any big significant changes, but I will make sure I catch anything that comes up.

25 days to go.

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