Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 6. Exploring.


Had an unhappy wake up. I really do not like waking up in a bad mood or with any irritation or anger in my system because it tends to flow that way throughout the day. I got up and pounded a couple glasses of water right around 8, tried to go back to sleep, but decided to start the day. 
I started with  breakfast right away.
Breakfast: 4 banana +100 g blueberries +80 g spinach+flax see
ds 1 tbsp = dank shake.
1 Fuji apple, 
I banged a couple keys on the piano, and went to get what I like to call a waste of time a.k.a. college. As George Carlin would say, "lower the passing grades, more kids pass, school looks good, everybody happy, the IQ of the country slips 2 or 3 points, soon all you need to get into college is a pencil. you got a pencil? get the fuck in there its physics." Gotta love George Carlin he knows whats up. 

I had a chat with the construction worker down the street and found out that we are going to have a Walgreens across the street from Office Depot. Buildings going up, things getting built, opportunities appearing. 

The La Canada town mall is another interesting p
lace to check out. I ran into the owner of chipotle and got a little tour of the place. Although chipotle is good food, Im not sure if I wil
l be eating it if I decide to be a vegetarian for life.  The place was looking good. 

What I notice more and more is that La Canada continues to increase in marketing towards 30-45 year old females. The reason being, the men a
re out making the bucks while the woman is given a credit card to go spend and do whatever they want all day. Women don't like to drive far so building the Homegoods store is brilliant. 

Directly across the street from the Sport Chalet venue I saw a large store with workers cutting plates of wood and building something so I walked in and decided to find out what it was. The man I met inside was Shawn. He told me he was the manager of this project and said he is building a very high end Japanese Restaurant called "Sakura". The place includes a full sushi 
bar including alcohol, a full Hibachi bar, Private japanese tatami rooms. He went on to tell me that the restaurant is originally from the east-coast and that he moved to california just to start this first california project of opening up "Sakura" in the town center. He was a cool dude and told me I should check it out when they open next april and I will definitely try it out. The price seemed to be in the 15-30 range for an entree so I'm sure the rich demographics of La Canada wont mind dumping money into the business. 

I'm sure I am amongst the few who know that Sakura is coming in. Because I am interesting in what is happening around me. If I owned Ichiban in La Canada right now, I would be worried. The fact is that I am almost sure the dude who owns Ichiban does not know. If he knew this information, he would be hustling to find a buyer to get out before the big for sure financial hit.

Talking about demographics, I went across the street to see what was going on at the old sport chalet location. It is a gigantic place and had a for sale or lease sign up. I called the place to see the prices and some info. I don't ever have to buy something in order to find out info about it. Well the lease is $3 per square feet. I don't remember the exact number, but my calculation came out to more than 10k per month. A 1 mile radius of the store is 74 percent white caucasian, 21% asian. 20 percent of the households around 1 mile radius make 100-150k, and another 20% make 150k- 250k. I was surprised to 
see that it was still available. Someone with a visi
on, funds, creativity, leadership should be able to get some investors together to start building something there. 


4 banana shake
1 apple
organic herbal salad w/dressing
yellow pepper.

I was pleasantly surprised with my package in front on my door. Stocked! I love pack
ages at the door, its feels like santa brought be a gift. I opened it and found the superfoods I ordered a couple days ago. Organic cacao be
ans and organic goji berries. 

Had a taste of both and found out that I really like both of them.

Dinner: 2 kiwi, yellow bell pepper half. 2 bananas, cashews
Mashed avocado + grape tomatoes+ 2 stalk celery
Im feeling pretty good mentally and physically. Went down 1 lb today, but plan on pigging out tomorrow. 

24 days to go. 

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